Hitchhiker shrimp living INSIDE my clam!

Dr. Beer

New member
I am floored. I've no idea what to think! I was looking into my new T. squamosa's siphon and I see some detritus. I think nothing of it. Then I am examining his gills and hiding wayyy in the back is a small shrimp, maybe 1" long body at most! He didn't come from my tank! The clam comes from the Marshall Islands facility, and I'm guessing that since Barry had the clam for 5 weeks without any trouble that the shrimp is harmless. Still, I thought I'd leave a message here to see if anyone else had an experience like this. The shrimp is just sitting there like it owns the place!
Anyone have any suggestions?

The shrimp is clear with lots of black dots on it. I hope the shrimp doesn't come out and kill stuff in my tank at night. :eek:
Welcome to the elite club of shrimp/clam owners. Your membership card #000000000000000003 will be in the mail once I recieve your club dues ;)

Myself: #000000000000000002 - I have had a shrimp in my T. Squamosa since early October. They're both still fine!

Member #000000000000000001 is still on the site, but keep it quiet, we're thinking of kicking him out. His shrimp died after 6 weeks, but his clam is still fine. (We're consulting the club rules to see what to do!) ;)

Seriously though, I freaked out, but the man himself Daniel Knop said it's all good, and he said he's jealous and wish he had one! There is a previous thread on the subject from the other fellow. CHeck it out!

PLEASE keep me updated!
Best of luck
Dangit I wish Knop's book would come in! 6 weeks now I have been waiting!

I'm glad I am not the only one who freaked out. haha I feel like a mother with a newborn. I can see how clams can be so easily addictive.

I don't think the beer I've imbibed this evening has helped me either!
Ah, but wait!.....Knop's book makes NO mention of such a thing. (It's that rare :D ) You, my friend, are one lucky clam man!

The funniest thing is when I see a little claw poking out of my clams syphon!

Oh, and for a really rare treat, wait till your clam "coughs" and you see a little molted exoskeleton come out!

When I got mine I freaked out and called Rob at EastCoastClams who sold it to me. He was pretty shocked, but I felt better when I he said that if he would have known, he would have kept it for himself! When I saw Daniel Knop express jealousy I felt pretty good. Teardrop Shmeardop.......I have something more rare! ;)
haha I did precisely the same thing! I called Barry at clamsdirect, but since he wasn't there I left him an e-mail about it. Then I posted here, then I emailed the WWM crew to find their opinion on it. I didn't know if the shrimp was a smart one that hid in there then came out at night at devoured my tank or what.

So it is THAT rare huh?
The funniest thing for me is when I was looking at the gills and noting the inside coloration when I see two little black eyes blinking at me. My mouth dropped.
Well, that's one I can't answer. But, my shrimp has been alive for about 3 months (plus weeks before at EastCoastClams) without me feeding him once, so he must be alright. I wonder since clams filter a lot of food particles, then sort and discard a lot of the larger ones, if the shrimp doesn't get the leftovers that the clam doesn't want/can't process. I can't bring myself to drop food inside my clam, and it seems to be fine! :) Since he's also molting every month or so, I think he must be alright. Please keep us updated on yours!
Dr. Beer. You do not have to feed it anything at all. It lives in symbiosis with your clam.

Peabody I am still waiting on the additional payment for the shrimp.. hahahahahaha

I am still very jealous of you, Peabody, and now of you Dr. Beer.

Believe me, I do keep a better lookout for these guys now.

O well, congrats and Happy New Year to you, your clams, and your commensal shrimps.

Rob: ....and I'm still wiating for you to come to Baltimore and visit the awesome aquarium and mine with the shrimp/clam a few blocks away. Gotta get there before all their beautiful weedy seadragons are gone (it's nearing the end of the 2 year temporary seahorse exhibit). Man how I would kill for one of those guys! Happy New Year to you and your family!
I'm a very happy clam keeper right now. :)

Happy New Year to you too Rob!

Question - Some fading between the inhalant and exhalant siphon is normal in clams that are still acclimating correct?
That is precisely what is living inside my clam! I am going to keep an eye out to see if there are two inside mine. Maybe they come in pairs?
Hmm upon closer inspection the shrimp are quite similar, but maybe not precisely the same.
I also noticed that mine have red dots, not black.

Oh, Rob, Peabody... Mr. Knop... there are TWO shrimp in my clam! I saw them both at the same time just before my system lights started turning off. One is smaller and I would guess they are mates.

I can't seem to paste in an e-mail from Anthony Calfo concerning them. Basically, he said it is possible they are mildly parasitic, feeding on gill tissue, but that larger clams should have no worries and it is a personal call on removal or not.
It is my belief that they feed on small particles of food that the clams filter from the water, aiding the clam by removing organic matter from the gills.

I still have mine in a specimen cup with no host. I plan to offer them a Squamosa shortly.

Feed Phytoplankton to your tank if you don't already - The shrimp probably feeds off of particulate matter the clam captures, so if you feed the clam, you'll feed the shrimp!

Good luck -
