

In Memoriam
i dont have a pic of it cause i dont have a camera. it is a crab that is furry and brown. has white eyes and it came on my acro that i bought today from reef and pond.

thanks ryan
No, they are not reef safe. I had probably close to 10 of them hitchhike on my TBS rock. They are not fun to catch. I hope you do not have too much LR in your tank or they will find a home real quick. If you try and grab them they grab onto the rock and are very hard to pry off.
I finally got the last one (I hope so at least) out of my tank. They can be a real pain in the a#@.
Good luck and let me know if you need any suggestions on how to catch him.
One of the methods I have seen is using a couple of small pieces of live rock rubble. Watch for the crab to be on a piece and pull it out of the tank. It will hold tight(defense) and then use hot water from the sink (unless you have someone that wants it.)

i got him and his friend. i pulled the acro out of the water and got him with some niddle nose and i crushed the other one. they have some good grip.
yes they do! I had a few in my tank that were probably about 3-4". Those suckers are mean looking! It sure was fun being a "gorilla hunter" for the past year or so. Now that I say I have found them all I will probably see one tomorrow! Damn those gorillas!
In a twisted story of gore and delight, I had some on live rock. Took some time to find them but finally did and I use the fondue stickers or whatever they are called.

It worked quite well and did the trick. Was thinking of some sushi but alas the crab was too small.

On my new live rock for the big tank, I have had it treated with Interceptor. This not only kills red bugs as has been shown, but also will kill crabs and shrimp too. Specific target in this case is mantis shrimp. Unfortunately it also kills desirables, but will add a bunch of new pods, live mysis, etc from my current tank and ocean pods to replenish the supply.

If you think about it, we are looking around for crabs in the middle of the night in my case with a flashlight. No wonder I am called a fish nerd. sigh. hehe

While not a gorilla crab, here's the last hitchiker crab we caught. My hubby pulled him out by hand, which I never would have done. Pretty ugly:
