I'm setting up a clam specific tank and trying to plan it out. I've done lots of reading and I know how big clams are supposed to get, but I'm wondering how accurate the books are with respect to raising clams in aquariums. So I just thought I'd ask you all about your T. maxima's since they will probably represent the bulk of my inhabitants. While I love T. squamosa's, they don't seem to offer the seemingly unlimited range of appearances that T. maxima's do (although I've seen some incredible squa's). So how big is your biggest T. maxima? How big was it when you got it? How long have you had it? Pictures might be fun too since I know we all love to show off our clams. I guess I'm soliciting for your clams biography.
Thanks for any info you feel compelled to provide.

Thanks for any info you feel compelled to provide.