how do you do a nano?


New member
the girlfriend wants clownfish ( i don;t really like them and i have a lion in my tank ) now i wanna do her liek a 10 or 20 gallon tank for her to have her clowns now what do i need to do it? as my 72 gallon has a 40 gall sump but how are nanos done? what equipment is used?
for your skimmer you should get a remora skimmer from AquaC, and maybe 4 24 watt T5 bulbs for lighting. It depends on what corals you want. For flow, you might want to get one or two powerheads. The heater should be about 50 or 75 watts depending on the size of tank.

hope this helps
If she just wants clownfish and no corals the tank can be set up pretty easily.

Although a 10 would work I'd recommend going larger. A 15 or 20 gallon would be a good choice.

I'd recommend you use live rock for decoration and filtration. If you don't overstock the tank 10 to 15 pounds would be adequate.

A skimmer is optional but best for a newbie. In lieu of a skimmer realize you'll need to do weekly waterchanges. A couple of gallons/week should be adequate.

Although you don't need intense lighting for a nano good lighting enhances the colors of your fish and just looks better. A Coralife or Current PC fixture is reasonably priced, and depending what you get good enough for low to medium light corals if she decides she wants corals (Odds are she will so plan ahead ;) )

You could get by with a couple of powerheads, maxijet 900's would be a good choice. An alternative would be a HOB filter (I like Aquaclears) they provide good flow, extra water capacity, and a place to drip kalk/add topoff water outside the tank.

cool cool its bassicly jsut so she can have her clowns till i get my 2 470 gal tanks built this summer and ones goign to be a pred tank and the other a reef so the clowns will come back to me then i just don;t wanna see the clowns ate by my lion who seems to be leaving them alone for now