How hard is Halimeda to take care of?


New member
Two months ago, I put a Halimeda plant in my main tank for my fish to snack on but it isn't going so well. It is getting dark and falling apart, not the bright green it was when I got it. Ammonia nitrate, nitrite and nitrate are zero. It is in good current flow and under a 400w 20k MH. Calcium is around 450, the last I checked. I know for fresh water plants you have to add iron, do you need to do that for macro algea too? I have some other type of macro algea in my refugium and it is doing great. Any ideas? Thanks
Dont know what your problem is, as it has always grown pretty easy for me under good lighting. It does need some nitrate (like all greens) and is actually quite a calcium hog. Iron? Never heard of it being used in saltwater.
I do find iron additions help with many macro's and sea grasses. Also low nutrients could well be a problem. Best way to boost nutrients is feed more :D