How long should I wait?


New member
This is my first reef tank so forgive the question if it seems simple.

My tank has now been up and running for a shade over a week. Do i need to wait until the tank has cycled before i start adding Macro to my refugium? Can i start adding it now?

I have a feeling that there is no need to wait but i want to get a solid yes or no before i go ahead and do it.

Thanks in advance! :)
I see no reason to wait. I would not add the Coral, critters etc till the macro's are growing good and the tank system(Main+ refug) has balanced out some, maybe 3 -4 weeks. I add a little KNO3 and KH2PO4 to help the macro's grow initially till the addition of other critters that will later supply the needed PO4/NO3 for growth.
Tom Barr