At this point you may very well keep on top of things with just the water changes, but testing is important. Without a baseline you really won't know!
I keep my Calcium at 400, Alkalinity at 8.0 and my Magnesium at 1350. Of course Ammonia and Nitrite should always be 0, Nitrate less than 1.0 and Phosphate about .03. Remember that the goal for the nitrate and phosphate is not 0 - all creatures need a little for basic metabolic functions.
Use quality test kits. I prefer Salifert for all due to the ease of use and repeatability. Starting out, I would test at least weekly to see how your tank is trending. Then, if needed, you can begin to dose. At first, manual dosing will work well enough, but as things progress, it is one of the things I would recommend automating. I use BRS 1.1ml/min dosing pumps plugged into digital lamp timers due to their good value and ease of use.