How many?


New member
Ok a friend just bought a load of live rock and has found 6 mantis shrimp. I am interested in keeping them but wanted to make sure if it is ok to keep more than one to a tank. I have a 10 gallon tank right now can upgrade later. how many would you recommend? They are 2 to 3 inches in size and a couple are really small. PLease let me know what you think. BTW i am new!! woohooo
Depends mostly on their species and how well fed they are I suppose. For the most part though it is best to keep them singly.

Got any pics yet? ;)
Not yet going to pick them up tomorrow. She said they are colorful but not what color and she doesnt know if they are spearers or smashers. She says if i take one i take all LOL so i guess if it doesnt work out ill have some free mantis shrimp to give out!
send me a spearer ;)

but to answer the question the bigger ones will probably end up killing the smaller ones, although some people on here have said theyve kept two in the same tank before. I'd also assume that a smasher would beat up a spearer pretty badly...