How much do ric's cost?


New member
the guy at the lfs owns the store so he just tells you prices off-the-bat and I saw one little ric on a rock that was grey with orange bumps and he said it was $60 for the one ric. Is that normal pricing? I thought it would be around 10-20 dollars.
LFS charge as high as they think they can get. It is up to you as a consumer to not buy it and go somewhere else if you don't think the price is fair. I think I know the exact location and ricordea you are talking about. It is all suppy and demand, I personally would pass on that unless I can get a huge discount like their sales.

Also, single polyps cost most than if buy it on a rock with multiple polyps.
i got in one at the lfs i work at. it is a ugly yuma , and over here yumas cost alot and it isnt up to us
its 60 bucks for a grey green yuma. wanna know why.. we paid close to that.

dont think its always the lfs trying to rip you off. its usualy the wholesaler ripping off the lfs
hehehe i caught my LFS before they new the difference betewwen yumas an FLA rics.. i got some cool ones an cheap..

I paid $7.50 for a yuma a couple of weeks ago. I also paid $60 for a rock with about 25 yumas on it, both purchases at local fish stores. That being said, the same stores have had yumas for $39.99.
check out for the most reasonable online pricing for florida rics. Ken is a great guy to deal with and usually throws in a few extras with each order.
Well, I found a decent deal at a fish store that is known to have slightly higher prices than other stores, but still decent prices. It's a rather plain R. yuma rock with 12 "adults" and a good 5 babies running around across the rock. It was originally $59.99, but I was able to just trade in the $50 in gift certificates for it straight across the board. Technically, I got the rock for free, but it would have been $50-$60 out of my pocket.


FWIW, rocks of Ricordeas are almost always cheaper than buying them in singles when you look at it with a price per polyp ratio.
I agree with the saltwaterkid. Ken at (or same site) is excellent to deal with. Bought my cleanup crew from him, and I just ordered some fish and corals (including a green florida ric) as well. He actually has an "extras" column on his reciepts that he sends with his shipments, listing how many extra of each thing he sent you.
Also, he is very quick to refund money on anything that didn't come out right.