How much light is too much???


New member
I have 2 150 W HQIs' and 4 60 W PCs' on my 90 gal tank which comes out to about 6 watts per gallon. IMO, it's plenty of light. I've been able to keep pretty much any kind of coral, clam and other intense light requirering organism. However, seeing some other tanks make me wonder if my light is weak. I have seen 10, 12 and up to 15 or 16 watts per gal. My question is, when is it too much? At what point will you just fry everything in your tank? I was told when I got my light not to go much over 6 or 8 watts/gal. Any opinions on this subject? I also wonder what the ocean equivilent of "watts/gal" is on a sunny day.