How much more lights would I need?


New member
Currently I have 2x96 watt pc in my 55 gal. I know there is a possibility that more lighting is required but all of the of the lfs tell me that this is adequate for a squamosa or even a croesa. I really want to know what I would need to make a maxima happy.
Maybe you have enough lighting for a squmosa, but I think in the long run not! No way near enough for crocea! Mhs is the way to go then you can use your pcs for supplemental lighting. A maxima also needs lots of lighting (Mhs) is again IMO the only way to go.
I agree with Jim. For T crocea and T. maxima you should run halides. Personally I think 250w would be best. For more information, check out Giant Clams by Daniel Knop. Considered the clam keepers bible. :)