How to frag a Shroom??

I put mine in a small plastic food grade dish, filled about 1/2 way with live rock rubble, put the shrooms in, and cover the top of the dish with fine netting from onion bags, orange bags, etc,... and rubberband it around the rim.. seems to work well

Yes, for most mushrooms simply cutting in half or quarters with scissors or a razor blade will work - just make certain you get some of the mouth and food in each section for the best results. Make certain everything is clean to reduce the chance of infection. Personally, I try not to use this method with yumas - they don't recover as quickly. I prefer just letting the foot bud into babies for yumas.

For rics, some folks also prefer to use the string approach to let the mushroom "naturally" split.

Good luck!!
IME i cut FLA rics or yumas this half if you get the mouth thay will heal faster if not it will take them longer.. as for attaching them..i have a frag tank with low flo an they usally attach after a couple of weeks if not sooner....oh an use a razor blade..

When I frag my rics I just slice them with a razor blade on th rock and wait for 2 shrooms. Then I slice them again and make 4.
I have a ton of somewhat ugly mushrooms that I don't really care that much about. I'll have to practice on a couple of these and see how it goes.

However, everyone makes this sound very simple and very safe for the mushroom. If that's the case, why are bright reds, blue's, and green stripe mushrooms so bleeping expensive if they're so easy to propogate?
does it matter the size of the Shroom before slicing, i really like Scuba Joshe's slice and wait method, seems cleaner
Its pretty simple.

1) Use a clean/new razor blade and cut the mushroom into as many pieces as you want. I usually cut it into 4 pieces.
2) Using a paper towel wipe off some of the slime it produces.
3) Have a needle and thread ready to sew the mushroom on and then tie it to a piece of rubble. Let it sit for a few days/week and it should attach on perfectly. I've done this many times and everything it mounts on.

Here are some pictures:





I just did those today. I'm planning to leave the thread on until they are fully healed. Then after that just cut the thread and pull it out.
it can. I tried cutting the disc off of a yuma once, leaving just a mess of guts and stump behind. The wound closed up inward and then began developing bumps. Here is a pic of the stump turning into a ric. I don't think I like that method though, prefer just cutting that darn thing in half or 1/4ths. I'm gonna try sewing the ric pieces to the rock.
ek9vboi - Do you really just use a small needle with some thread tied on and poke it THROUGH the mushroom to tie it to the rubbe? or do you tie it over the mushroom to hold it down?
Maybe I'm a sissy, but slicing the shrooms into little bits just seems cruel. I'll probably do it this weekend, but it still seems cruel.