How you beat grape caulerpa!


New member
Hello everyone,

Ok, I'm getting sick of pulling it out by hand.

If you've had any success getting it out with a fish, invert, etc, please let me know.

Thanks :)
ill tell you exactly how!. Get a big bag. Fill it partially with water and a bunch of caulerpa. Package it and send it to me :D
I second the Sailfin Tang.

I once had a beautiful garden of green. Now i have nothing!

But I love him, he's my buddy. Every week he's right there with me while I scrape algae off the glass.
I keep grape caulerpa in the fuge and often some gets into the display....where my yellow tang promptly eats it. :)
My old foxface ate caulerpa right up. Right now I have an atlantic blue tang that finished some patches of it off