Huge sps pack

For all the new reef junkies. The survival rate chances of SPS corals increase dramatically when you buy corals that have sustained living in waters that are not ideal. Like a fish tank.

I have bought corals straight out of the ocean and they sometimes took over 6 months to grow(but most died). When I buy from others now, I like to see that the coral actually grows in captivity.

Although we try to replicate the ocean, its not 100% possible. We will always have parameter swings and periods of higher and lower nutrients. Trust me, my tank is NOT perfect.
Willing to do a pack for $100?


Birdsnest (Yellow)
Confusa / Spongodes
Digitada Pink
Montipora (Red)
Montipora Green (Leng Sy)
Montipora (rainbow/pokerstar)
ORA Red Planet
ORA Neon Green Birdsnest
ORA Ponape Birdsnest
ORA Green Tip Orange Birdsnest
Pocillopora (green)
Staghorn WWC Tri-color
100.00 Pack Above

150.00 Pack Below

Birdsnest (Yellow)
Bonsai (Garf)
Confusa / Spongodes
Digitada Pink
Digitada Forest Fire
Montipora (Red)
Montipora Green (Leng Sy)
Montipora (rainbow/pokerstar)
ORA Red Planet
ORA Neon Green Birdsnest
ORA Ponape Birdsnest
ORA Green Tip Orange Birdsnest
Pocillopora (green)
Porites (yellow)
Staghorn WWC Tri-color