Hundreds of East African Rose BTA's at Tropical Paradise


I went to Tropical Paradise Aquarium in San Leandro yesterday for Eddies freshwater section Grand Opening.

He had great deals going in the Saltwater dept too.

He's got hundreds of East African Rose Bubble Tip Anemones. They have rose colored tentacles with greenish bodies. I bought one and placed it in my PC lit tank.

There was a ton of really nice stuff there. I also picked up a small derasa clam and a really beautiful brain that has a color that would be too hard to describe. I'll try to post a pic later.
Yep, he's had them for several weeks now.
However, I can see why they have so many left still. I think he may have gotten a great deal on them, however I think the local demand is far too low for the supply. Hmm, maybe someone was thinking several moves ahead, and this was for the online venture?

You weren't the guy who got the tye-died color brain, were you?
That was one of the most awesome pieces I've ever seen in my short time in the hobby.
However, I can see why they have so many left still. I think he may have gotten a great deal on them, however I think the local demand is far too low for the supply.

exactly and probably outside of the bay area as well.
i think a reason why he hasnt gotten rid of them fast is because they've imported a bunch of roses recently. many lfs and online retailers are selling roses much less than previously sold.
an example would be 6th ave which has roses for $70, which would've unheard of months ago. has them for even less at $40 each.
im not sure as i wasnt really paying attn to them at 6th ave. they're probabyl medium sized but closed up due to their bad water quality. TP definitely has healthier specimens so its a trade off. would you rather spend a bit more for something healthy or save $$$ on something you have to nurse back to condition.
badpacket said:
You weren't the guy who got the tye-died color brain, were you?
That was one of the most awesome pieces I've ever seen in my short time in the hobby.
Yes, I think that's the same one. The $85 one right? Which guy were you?

BTW, I thought his online store was up? They were surfing his website during the sale. Did he change the URL? Because I went to to look for a pic of the brain I bought, but the online store isn't up on that site.
Here's a pic of the brain. the pic really doesn't do it justice though.


hey chipmunk, dont want to crap u out but lucky ocean aquarium in san francisco has them for $19.99 (no joke), i bought 1 from them 2 mos ago, call them up at 415-668-3676, there at 2nd and balboa and u can ask for the owner steve, let him know you heard from him on reef central from me, johnny


hey chipmunk, dont want to crap u out but lucky ocean aquarium in san francisco has them for $19.99 (no joke), i bought 1 from them 2 mos ago, call them up at 415-668-3676, there at 2nd and balboa and u can ask for the owner steve, let him know you heard from him on reef central from me, johnny
Thanks Johnny, I know Steve very well, we used to work at the same LFS at different times. I'll call Steve and see if he has anymore.

Don't worry about bumming me out. I never regret spending more than the next guy on something. Dave at Tropical Paradise asked me if that (already sold) Red Ricordia Yuma was worth $150, I said, "It's like a painting....if you think it's worth it, buy it; if you don't, don't buy it."

I was also the guy that a while back bought that giant deep red Rose at Nippon with NOT FOR SALE written across the front of the tank. People were saying I paid too much for it, but I love the Rose and it has already split on me. So I'm happy.

Thanks for the tip, guess I'll go call Steve in half an hour!
entice59 said:
yup once you know steve you'll get discounts, i got a torch coral for 15 bucks
Perhaps, this is better kept discreet as to not get Steve in trouble with his other customers.

Steve probably treats you well because of your existing relationship. People who don't get "discounts" may get jealous and confront Steve...putting him in an awkward position. This is probably not a good way to thank him for his hospitality towards you.

If you edit out your previous post, I'll edit out this one too.
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i cant delete this, i just emailed the admin, i didnt think about it that way. Please do not confront steve about this.
You can't delete but you can probably edit your own posts and remove the text you don't want to continue to share.
Unfortunately with the newer system you can't edit post after like 15 min of posting it. Ah well.
See, it's already started! :eek:

Pretty soon, they'll be picketing his store.

No seriously, I talked to Steve. And in true and classic Steve form he said, "I don't care. I tell customers that I give discounts. I tell them, they'll get discounts too if they spend money like the customers that do get discounts!"

Man, I love that guy. How can you not respect a man that isn't afraid to say it like it is. This is one of the reasons I shop at his store. He's direct and he's honest. He has the animals health and customer interests in mind. He'll talk you out of buying something if he thinks you'll be wasting your money. He's got a conscience.
yeah i really respect steve, he gives his honest opinion and will talk you out of something if he believes it will not work out for you...

please do not corner him for a discount:p lets be grown up about it