Hydrogen Peroxide Use


New member
I was looking for this in the threads, but could not find what I was looking for. What are the benefits of dosing Hydrogen peroxide into reef tank? Are there any benefits/downsides? If people do it, how much do you add, and where in the system do you add it (eg, in the main display, sump, skimmer)? Thanx.
I played with that thinking it may be the perfect redox booster.

It wigged my redox meter out totally (initially dropped to like 75 from like 275 and took half a day to come back up, totally opposite of what I thought was going to happen) and I didn't have a feel for what was really happening in my tank so I stopped. I only put a couple of capfuls of fresh 3% in too. maybe it acts more like ozone with that terror of a lone oxygen ion.
hmmm...so that's a no-go. I guess I'll just stick to the oxygenation from the skimmer and surface movement. I was wondering if it had any effect on cyanobacteria.
ranroc said:
I was wondering if it had any effect on cyanobacteria.

Yes it does. I use it when ever I see a patch of cyano in my tank, the cyano dissolves. I use a syringe connected to a long tube in order to apply it directly to the cyano. If you can get the peroxide to go inside or under the cyano, it seems to work a little better.

I have been using this method for about 3 years with no I'll effects to the other tank inhabitants. Try not to squirt any directly on any animals however, it would probably burn them to a degree.
oxygenate it

oxygenate it

Hi ranroc,just jumped it to weakly defend hp.In my many experiments,i added hp to my slimmer for two years,at the rate or i tbsf per 55 gallon tankIt should be added to the skimmer,where it burns up many ameno acids and photoplankton,but the skimmer did work a little better.hp is a source of 02,one of the fuels for rockets like the V-2 rocket of WW2.However later i switched to a no filter system,so hp and skimming did't work that well.
I've used it on cyano as well, very effective. Dr. Ron says it's harmless but I think a large amount of common sense is required - don't use too much at a time.
hi boomslanger,yes its the same pharmacy bottleand what gene harlow dyed her hair with.It won't turn the fish any colors,but i wonder what they use to dye anemones and corals with?
Boomslang said:
Is this the same stuff they use to bleach your hair? Can you buy it at a pharmacy?


Yes, I use the 3% from the Pharmacy.

It won't turn the fish any colors,but i wonder what they use to dye anemones and corals with?

I'm not sure what they use to dye corals, but I would imagine if you applied 3% hydrogen peroxide to a coral, in the atmosphere, it would probably burn the skin.

Keep in mind that the application of this HP is done in water with alot of circulation. If you squirt this HP a few inches away from the cyano, in hopes that the current will carry it onto the cyano, it will not work. My quess as to why this is, would be that the HP is already diluted to a much weaker solution by the time it travels this few inches in water.

Also keep in mind that this HP is actually killing bacteria where it is applied, another good reason not to go nuts with the application of it.
When I see a significant drop in ORP (a drop to the 320's in a tank that is normally in the 350-370 range), I add 5 ml into the water stream (and make note to self that I need to siphon/perform water change the next weekend). My tank is 100-gal.
Interesting...I actually did not expect this many replies to this post. So there ARE people who use this stuff, and it CAN be effective against cyano, with proper precautions. Another home remedy to add to the bag o'tricks. I'm also interested in hearing anyone else other than cycler who's used in their skimmers.

Research would tell you that the few that have done this experiment have tried dosing directly into the skimmer and have used moderation. I think this is just a plot by you to get people to try what you have suggested you did, but didnt actually try it on your own tank.

If this is the case, you need to find a new hobby. If not the case, hope you have a savings account to recover the loss of life in your tank.

People, take advise with a grain of salt. Do some research. If the same evidence keeps showing up then make an educated decision about introducing foreign chemicals into your tank.

Dont listen to a guy that suggested he "dumped" a bunch of stuff that he didnt research into his tank and hopes for the best.

Over and out.
Hair bleach is a bit higher concentration. I would stick to 3% from the drug store. Peroxide will also lose efficacy if it is used constantly. Organisms can build a resistance to peroxide over time. Used sparingly it can be effective on bacteria and algae.

Research would tell you that the few that have done this experiment have tried dosing directly into the skimmer and have used moderation. I think this is just a plot by you to get people to try what you have suggested you did, but didnt actually try it on your own tank.

If this is the case, you need to find a new hobby. If not the case, hope you have a savings account to recover the loss of life in your tank.

People, take advise with a grain of salt. Do some research. If the same evidence keeps showing up then make an educated decision about introducing foreign chemicals into your tank.

Dont listen to a guy that suggested he "dumped" a bunch of stuff that he didnt research into his tank and hopes for the best.

Over and out.

that was posted 3 1/2 years ago. i think the lesson has been learned by now. im not sayin, im just sayin:confused: