hypersalinity to scare out mantis?


New member
i'm not really sure i have a mantis.
i got 10 lbs gulf-view yesterday and put it in with the 13lbs figi i had in the 15gal nano for the last two weeks.

as of this a.m., my only fish, a firefish is missing.

i know gulf-view has mantis probability...but still not sure...i guess it could be another type of crab..

so whatdyall think.

i have no fish in the tank now, but do have some snails and a hermit....i suppose not the end of the world if they get eaten...

i'm more concerned with preserving the life on the rock...should i start with a trap and see what i catch? should i go to hypersaline dip? 1.030?

should i go for FW dip?
I would more suspect that there is a water quality problem. What are your water parameters. Have you tested? You say that you just put 10lbs of liverock that you just recieved yesterday and it went into a 15 gal. I would say that while there is a slight chance it was a mantis I would bet water quality had more to do with your loss. If you try anything use a trap. And if you have not tested your water parameters you may want to. Good luck!!!
oh, you're on the money...my ammonia and nitrites spiked way up. i did a 50% water change to try and aid saving the life on the rock, and added some biozyme to ease the pain....but, while i was changing water i looked around for the fish carcass and couldn't find it...that's why i was thinking mantis....
Sorry about the fish. It probably became food for your hermit, snails, and any worms in your tank. Just wait a while before adding any fish. At least until your parameters are ok. You also may want to stay away from the biozyme stuff and let the tank cycle on its own.
eeek...fish is still in the tank!...looking pretty sad...moving slow, hanging out under a rock....i imagine if i had a mantis and a compromized fish...the fish would be history...so likely no mantis....