I cant wait to get some!!!


New member
im in the process of getting a tank together, difficult with a high school student budget. But by all the rave reviews i hear im deffinatly going for tbs rock! Just wondering if it would be good to put some dry base rock under the nice live stuff to cut down on costs(this will prolly be my biggest expense, should prolly start saving now!!) and if so in what ratio would be best?

to everyone with TBS Rock, keep the pics commin!! i love em.
Don't bother getting any other rock than the TBS rock. With their package price, their deco rock is 'base', pre-colonized with life, versus LFS 'base' rock which is basically limestone or fossilized corals, no life.

That said, not to be discouraging, but what will you do with your tank when you go to college?
the reason i wanted dry base rock was to cut down on costs,

college i will worry about them....either my dad will take care it, or ill take it with me
OK, as long as someone is taking care of the animals, because once it's out of the sea, you're responsible for it.

You won't save any (or much) by buying base rock. The package pricing on rocks comes out to be just as good as our LFS's pricing on base rock ($2.00 to $2.50/lb). Maybe if it's cheaper where you are.

You can always do a spreadsheet for pricing. I would not do more than 1/3 'dead' base to 2/3 TBS live rock, because you need all the bacteria & worms to colonize the base, to get the biological filtration capacity.

Best of luck!
yea, im going with a no/ very low impact reef. ill be using the TBS rock and tank raised livestock.

im prolly not going to buy "the package" just to expensive right now, but ill deffinatly be getting the roock from them
what you might want to try if you cant afford a package for your full tank size, get a package of a smaller size. That way you will still have everything necessary to keep the reef going in addition to saving plenty of money on rock. TBS rock in the package really is as cheap as, if not cheaper, then plain base rock elsewhere.
yea maby, i was just thinking like 40 lbs of boat run rock though. cuz moneys realy tight and even if i went for a small package it would still run me a few hundred clams (lol, no pun intended:lmao: )
yeah but once you add everything up it will be couple of hundred anyway beleive me i try to do the monkey math all the time. oh yea that will only be like 200.00 if i just get it this way
then a month later i spend twice as much. if i had gone the way i should have in the first place it would have only spent half

i do believe that go with what you reallly want it will save you money in the long run, even if you have to wait because i got almost what i want just wont do!

you dont want to sound like Andy Runney on 20\20
"you know what i should do"
"you know what i should have done"
"you know it really make me mad when i "

Just my 2 cents
good luck in you endeavor:)