I just cant win..


New member
The big clown that I got from Don last week, got stuck between two rocks overnight a couple of days ago.. I freed him, but he was dead when I got home. well I test my water.. nitrates are high, ammonia is high.. not to bad though.. and PH is good. On top of that the two anenomes that I got from Don arnt looking to good. So I send a PM to Frank seeing if he can keep them in his tank till mine gets better.(he hasnt gotten back to me yet :( ) well i get on my computer for about an hour.. then go check the tank again.. and my skunk clown is dead.. stuck to one of the powerheads.. :mad2: two fish in one day!! why couldnt it have been the yellow damsil?!?
Obviously you don't know the rules! Your favorite most prized fish always die first and the ones you wish would die will live for ever!

Sounds like you might be having some water troubles!

I'm sorry to hear your having a rough time of it.

Maybe you should buy Jason's 130 for that big new house and sell your tank...

Nothing makes a person feel better like a new tank!
I would love nothing more than to tear this tank down for a bit.. even if it was just to rebuild it.. there is definatly something wrong with it. but I have no where to keep all the corals.. you guys think the coral farm would hold onto eveything for me??
I thought I pm'd you back but the internet at work has sucked big ones all day, and I dont get on much from home, if I do its for a brief few min's.

My tank might not be good for the anenome's either. My carpet anenome is in the wondering mood, so it might not be a good idea to have a couple decent sized anenomes in the tank while they are all wondering around. My hammer coral takes up dam near 1/2 the tank that I could try to put the anenomes. My bubble coral is also in the same area that the hammer is, then in the middle of the tank is my carpet anenome (which is moving), ive got this other ugly as hell anenome thats on the left side...and I dont know where my rose tip is right now. I just dont think it would be a good idea to put 2 more large anenomes in my tank. :(
It depends on how much you have and what it is. I have room in my frag tank, but it's pretty new. I could also squeeze a few pieces in my other tanks for a while, but if there nice you might have trouble getting them back!
well if Frank cant take the anenomes then they are pretty much done for..

right now I probably have around 13 pieces, only a couple of them are very big. i also have 2 clams now and 2 fish(the yellow damsil can go back to the ocean) and the last clown is a small one.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9406285#post9406285 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by vest0830
I will hold the coral, but the anenomes im afraid of.

yea, im probably going to pull the anenomes out in the morning.. they've just balled up and look sick.. :(
Another alternative if you are out of space is to pick up some 'egg crate' from a local hardware store. In case it sounds off, the grating that is used over recessed lighting? I've cut that up and made custom areas within my tanks in the past and recently as well. It's also a good way to keep critters away from corals and anemone's that you frag while they are healing.