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My wife bought me this nice 5-6" crocea for the tank today. She paid measly $50. I thought it was a steal. I have a great lagoon type spot for it but I just wanted to run it by some of the clam experts to make sure it will be happy. I have read in the past croceas like it on the rocks but I really don't want it up on the rocks. My tank is a 180g with three 250w AB's and four 160w actinics. The halides are 10" off the water. I already have a very big derasa (at least 12") and a small 3" gold maxi that are in the sand and are doing fine. I have always been a little leery of croceas but this guy looked great and so did his price tag 
Just looking for some input/opinions. Thanx!

Just looking for some input/opinions. Thanx!