I just got this nice crocea!


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My wife bought me this nice 5-6" crocea for the tank today. She paid measly $50. I thought it was a steal. I have a great lagoon type spot for it but I just wanted to run it by some of the clam experts to make sure it will be happy. I have read in the past croceas like it on the rocks but I really don't want it up on the rocks. My tank is a 180g with three 250w AB's and four 160w actinics. The halides are 10" off the water. I already have a very big derasa (at least 12") and a small 3" gold maxi that are in the sand and are doing fine. I have always been a little leery of croceas but this guy looked great and so did his price tag :)

Just looking for some input/opinions. Thanx!
It doesn't hold a candle to that teardrop you got there lebowski :)
Did you ever end up selling that? I would hope not, he is very sweet.
dang that is a nice looking clam...and for ONLY 50bucks!! great wife btw...hope my fiancee takes tips from you wife...think you could have her talk to my fiancee?? :D :D

that is not gaping...it looks GREAT...if you ever want to sell it let me know! heh. I think you got a hell of a deal there. How large is it lengthwise?
I forgot to measure it before I put it in the tank but it's at least 5". I would guess 5-6". It was sold to me as a "large". This LFS normally sells all there clams that are 5" and over as large.
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Now,there is a "phat" clam :D Enjoy! BTW,there is no gaping at all on that Crocea and it looks healthy to me :)
understand that the pic was taken within 24 hours of placing it in the tank. nice pic tony can't wait to see it in person. 2 thumbs up to melissa
Thanks Rob...she loves me, she loves me not :) Yes this clam was only in the tank for 1 hour after taking this picture.

I guess this would be a good place to ask this question. How important is it really that they respond when you put your hand over them and hide the light. I know a lot of people including myself have always done that to see how responsive they are (or just to have some fun with them). This guy isn't really that responsive in that manner. If a fish swimms by, he will pull in quick but I was testing him at the store and he wasn't responding as quick as some of the other clams. Does this method of testing hold any weight?