I want to get into clams, but I have a few questions


New member
Basically all I want to know is if my lighting is adequate enough for keeping clams. I have two tanks, one is a 40 gallon and has 210Watts PC all 50/50... and the other is a 15 gallon with 80 watts PC 50/50. all my corals are doing great with this lighting, but Im not sure about housing clams. Any recommendations or suggestions?
I generally make it a rule not to condone keeping clams under anything short of MH but there are a few people that have had success with PC and VHO. If you do decide to try a clam, stick with a T. squamosa or T. derasa but note that both of these species will outgrow a 40G and certainly a 15G tank rather quickly unless (for the 40G) you stick to 1 clam and have plenty of room for a 8"+ clam (They get bigger than that but 8" will give you a few years if you buy them small).
I definately agree with not keeping clams under anything but metal halide. I kept a maxima under P.C. for a couple of months and didn't do nearly as good as it is doing under M.H. I'm actually very suprised that it lived. I've known lots of people that lost clams under P.C. It's not right to risk the animals life if chances are that it wont make it.
I've seen coloration fade under PC's at some LFS's (but that is in a holding tank until sold) - the clam may live if it is being supplemented heavily on phyto, but not thrive & coloration will fade in a long term situation!