ID Mantis please


New member
Picked this guy up a couple of weeks ago, seems pretty sedate (did hammer the glass once, but other than that, not too bad). About 5.5" long, currently residing in a 7 gallon bowfront, w/ 4" of sand, and about 7-8 lbs of LR. Has dug a hole, however, spends a lot of time out in front. Has a bit of damage on the back carapace. Also likes to try to kill itself by stirring up sand, which get's sucked into the powerfilter, and stops the impeller, which causes the O2 levels to crash, until I get back to the office and fix it.
'Peacock' is staggeringly generic. I was hoping more for a specie/s designation. I haven't found a whole lot of info on the net that has enough pictures/descriptions of enough assorted species to really offer any valuable information. With a species, I might be able to get maximum size (I hope the thing doesn't grow to be a foot long), color variances, etc.
OOhhhh,I see do a search on the board,you'll find answers. Scientific name:Odontodactylus scyllarus.Average size up to 6".
Males are a brighter green while females are more olive.