ID please....three pics to view


New member
Just like the subject...anyone able to ID for me? I don't think the store was able to ID and they didn't know if it came on any specific region of live rock from their supplier.




Im pretty sure someone here can ID it for you. But i just wanted to say that it looks real nice! Good luck with the new mantis, how much did you pay for it?
i dunno on the ID, but it looks like it only has one smashing arm. feed it well (once every two days) and soak the food in a supplement like selcon if you want the other arm to regenerate faster.
Not uncommon. The missing dactyl can be the result of a problem molting, or trauma. They regrow in 3-4 molts.

since it's a new guy, I would guess shipping trauma or it got into a fight while at the store. as long as it eats and behaves as it should, it will be fine. arms regrow over time.