In our tanks, what DIRECTLY consumes Phytoplankton?


Premium Member
I originally posted this in the Reef forum then I remembered we have this place now.

I know clams do...but what else? Zoo's, Polyps, corals?
One of the reasons I ask, besides wanting more knowledge :) , is that twice a week I directly feed my polyps and zoos with a goldenpearls, blended fish mixture with a baster. Was curious if anything in my tank would benefit by a shot of DT's.
Off the top of my head with not enough coffee in me yet, Some Gorgonians, some hard corals such as Goniopora, a variety of pods and I'm sure quite a few other things as well ;)
Sponges and fan-worms, as well. The dusters seem dominant in competition for the available phyto in my tank. First I had fast-growing Tapes clams, and when the sponges started spreading, the Tapes started dying out. Now that the larger type of dusters (I have at least three types of dusters) are spreading, the sponges are regressing. There are also a million-billion little tubes on the rock that string a strand of mucus in the water, which I expect is also to catch phyto. These are just the animals big enough to see.

I suspect that most of these things are surviving in my tank on POM (bacteria-laden aggregates), not algae (DTs), and I don't feed DTs to the main tank, though I have been feeding it to my new clams in separate tank. I'm cheap and DTs ain't.