Interested in plants


New member
Hi, I have a 55 gallon, with Live rock, live sand, both soft and hard corals. I always wanted to get involved in plants, but the question is, is there any plants available that a yellow tang and a blue hippo tang won't eat...LOL I have 2-175 watt 10K hamilton hood with 2x96 watt actinics 7100. I am just wondering what choices do I have if any... Thanks

You have many choices -- Halimeda incrassata, Penicillus dumetosus, Udotea are a few. Calcium absorbing plants are your best bet. If you provide enough caulerpa in the tank, most fish will eventually get tired of it and not eat it to extinction in the tank.

You can always grow any kind on rocks in a refugium and move some to the tank to replace as needed.

Don't let your fish's appetite deter, go with it and have happier and healthier fish.