

New member
My name is jason and i just got into saltwater tanks and have been working with dana on building my tank up nice. i will be setting up my 100gal probably next week. I am stationed on yokota and will be here until at least nov 2008. I have been reading and reading and reading RC posts and i think i know enough now to get myself into trouble. anyways i justwanted to drop a quick note to say hey.

Dana i went over and talked to Kris yesturday and picked up a few pieces of rock. he told me that you let him know i was trying to get a hold of him. thanks for your help.

Glad you found us! I hope you enjoy the tank, Kris got it from me when I left Yokota a few years ago. I know Dana has gone through a lot of growing pains and has learned a lot in the past few years. He'll be a great source of help and information. Not to mention that he frequents Okinawa and always brings boxes of stuff back to Tokyo.

Good luck!

Speaking of growing pains, my filter sock overflowed for the 3rd time in 2 weeks, and for the life of me, I can't figure out why. I'm using new filter socks, so I'm wondering if they made it a smaller micron (clogs up quicker and overflows in 2 days instead of a week+).

Welcome to the gang!

My filter socks do the same thing.. Finally I just broke down and bought a bunch. I got mine from marine depot.