Invertebrate predators with clams?


New member
I really want to mainly feature clams in my reef tank, but I also think it would be neat to have a purple Sea Urchin and a Blue Linkia Star. Are those compatible, or to worry about? :confused:

I can only quote from my reference book as I don't have either of those in my tank with clams.

With some exceptions regular starfish are to be avoided in a tank filled with sessile invertebrates, as they have a habit of eating anything and everything. "Natural Reef Aquarium "

Sea urchins are vegetarians

Hope this helped.

Starfish - Although most are omnivores, I have *never* seen or heard of, in 6 years, a starfish, of any species, eating a clam. Even serpent stars that are notorious for catching small reef fish and consuming them have never touched a clam, other than to move over it, IME. I know of several reefkeepers who keep Blue linckia with clams.

As far as the urchin is concerned, some more info or even a picture would help alot. "purple urchin" doesn't tell us much, although you may be referring to a tuxedo urchin. As with starfish, there are some urchins that prefer to munch on vegies but there are several that are omnivores. Most sea urchins eat plant and animal matter, including kelp, decaying matter, algae, dead fish, sponges, mussels, and barnacles. Will a tuxedo eat a clam? Probably not. However, most reefkeepers don't like urchins of any kind because they can be bulldozers when it comes to knocking stuff over as they move about the tank.
Thanks JT!

Thanks JT!

That's good information to know. I really do want the Blue Linkia, so it's reassuring to know that you know of several people who keep that with clams........ Curious to know if when info tells you "reef safe" does that mean with everything...including clams. Because I know there's reef safe starfish and then ones that are definately not, which this says it is.

As far as the Urchin......I'm real interested in the "Longspine" (Diadema savignyi) and the "Pincushion" (Pseudoboletia maculata). I don't like the bulldozing effect though either. I haven't researched those yet.....just hoping cuz they look so cool.
I may help on the urchin plus clams. I keep several tuxedo urchins with my clams with no problems at all. I also have one very large black long spike urchin who does not bother any of my clams. Starfish I cannot help on these creatues I have never kept any with clams.
Urchins should be fine, as they are generally herbivores

Starfish, however, can be iffy. Many starfish eat clams as their major food source in nature, but others aer fine. Blue linkias are usually okay, but lots of other ones are bad ideas.
Thank you Jim Norris. I'm encouraged about the long spined urchin now. Does he bulldoze things over in your tank, as some people have said though?

And the Blue Linkia is what I'm wanting Roofish, so that's good. I guess I could give him a try and watch?

When something says "reef safe" as it does online when you're buying...........does that naturally mean for clams too.? Shouldn't it say "with caution" if they're going to eat or hurt anything.?
Spike looks great!

Spike looks great!

That's a great picture, and one that I would love to own.......that species. Thanks for showing me.:)