Inverts Dying


New member
I have had my tank set up about 8 weeks and haven't had any problems until now. Last week my margarita snail died. I'd had it for about 2 weeks. Yesterday afternoon 1 of my 2 peppermint shrimp was dead (not a molt). I don't see the other shrimp but neither do I see a body. Later in the evening 3 of my 4 astera snails which I've had for 6 weeks were upside down on the sand. They were all trying to turn themselves over so I flipped them rightside up. This morning none of them had moved. When I got in this evening one was back upside down and the others had not moved. 1 is holding on to a piece of rubblestone but the other is not reacting at all. The operculum is partially open. I have 3 chromis, 4 hermits, 4 small mushrooms and they all seem fine.

Any ideas?

Here are my parameters:
NH4 0
NO2 0
NO3 5
pH 8.2
Spg 1.024
Temp 80
Margarita snail died because they are temperate animals and cannot withstand reef tank temperatures. It might be copper, try and run some Cuprisorb or a similar product, if it turns blue, then you got copper. :(

What species of hermit crabs do you have? I have seen a small Dardanus Megistos grab a fish and eat it alive. I have also seen a larger Paguristes literally crush a snail in it's claws.
Get some water change and use active carbon to remove any heavy metal such as copper in your water. And yeah, I agree the water temp might have something to do with the Maggie snails.