Is 250w MH overkill


Regurgitated Fender
OK, I'm gonna buy my lights. Now I'm wondering if I should buy a 175W or 250W. I have a 29g. That would make it 18" deep. I'd like to keep maximas and croceas. Is the 250 overkill? Is the 175 enough. Upgrading to a larger tank in a couple years is also on my mind.

What do you all think about blueline electronic ballasts?
My clams(crocea, maxima, derasa, hippopus) are all 20" from my bulbs. My 75 was lit with 2 X 250w Iwasaki, 1 X 250w XDE, and 440w VHO actinic. Recently upgraded to 2 X 400w HQI Ushio's with 440w VHO actinic with no adverse effects to the clams. IMO, it would be rather hard to give a clam "too much light". Haven't used the Blueline ballasts.
Definately not overkill-I have blueline on my sps system w/radiums. Work great. Adam
Not overkill, but also think about the heat factor, if you think heat will not be a factor go with the 250's. You won't regret it!
I've got an open top, and will be buying a pendant. So I'm hoping that the heat will disipate
Even with an open top, you will need a fan to cool the water in summer. I have a 150W "HQI" on a 25G with an open top and it still gets pretty warm.
I've got a 29 gallon open top with a 400 Watt MH on it. No heat problems at all, my heater even comes on once in a while and I keep temp at 80.