Is anything wrong with my new clam?


New member
I put my new maxima in on Sat. and it was looking fine.
I come home from work today and I see this next to the clam.

It looks like it ejected its foot/gland?
Please help!

IME with 10 Tridacna, I have never seen one "eject" parts of the body. I have had a few eject foreign materials that likely entered via the incurrent siphon.

From the grain of the wood on your table it would appear the object is less then 2cm, correct? Is the material hard, calcerous, etc? Other then proximity to the clam, is there any other reason you believe the clam is the source?

If the photo of the clam is current, it looks pretty good to me ;)
The photo is the day before, but it still looks the same.

The part is about 1 inch long and it is rubbery.
The dark part looks like where the foot was attached to some
rubble when I first put it in.

There was some fibre in the hole where it would come out
of the clam, so I assume this is where it came from.

It was right next to the clam.
Sure sounds like you are dealing with sectretions and bysal material. I have not seen such a release of rubble and or material as my clams did not arrive attached and have always been on the sandbed.

Would be interesting to ask Rob, aka holeinone1972, if he ever sees that event in his shipments.
IME that's normal if the clam was removed from it's former rock. Whenever I buy clams from the LFS, I cut the clam's byssal strands from the rock with a razor blade. After placing it in my tank, they sometimes eject their old "byssal material (i think)." Shortly afterwards they start attaching themselves down to the new rock and live happily everafter. As long as the foot and byssus gland aren't damaged your clam should be fine.