Is it hopeless with PC? Please comment!


New member
I have a 20g. reef with 2X55w PC and 40w VHO. I was under the impression from two different LFS' and other places that I researched that I would be able to keep clams. Especially since one of them I bought was under the same exact lighting I have and thriving for 10 weeks. Currently that clam (from the same lighting) is not doing so well after about 10 days. However my other clam is thriving. I feed marine snow twice a week. My nitrates are a bit high but those should be taken care of with a new refugium I am also setting up soon. I am seriously considering upgrading to MH (a 250w (or 175- preference?) 10,000k Iwasaki bulb) and forgetting PC, but it would be nice if I didn't have to spend the money.
Let me know what you all think please.
MH is always the best source of lighting and 175 would be great for ur tank but u have to watch out for heating problems...also try to use DT's instead of Marine Snow...JMO
What kind of clams are they and how big are they? Have you check them for rice snails? What else is in the tank? And BIG DITTO on the DTs instead of the marinesnow.
OK, so what are DT's (kinda like to know)
They are ORA croceas (I think). one is about 1.5" and the other is probably slightly over 2". This one (the larger) is doing the best.
Another concern- Since I put on my extra VHO, my sebae anemone has started to act up. It actually looks better when the lights are off. So when I get more intense lighting it gonna freak?
ORA are you refering to Oceans Reefs & Aquariums? Those are VERY small clams. They are going to need DTs to stay alive. At is stage in their life clams filter feed for food more so than requiring light! DTs is live phytoplankton. I have never had an anemone I am sorry ---No help there. How close to your light source are the clams. Can the clams be removed from the tank?
Just a few random, somewhat related points:

Barry(Toptank) told me that clam farms keep their clams untill they are close to 3", so anything smaller is probably not captive bred.

Also, a friend of mine is keeping a 2" blue maxima under a home depot PC in a 10gal and it looks great, it's a skimmerless system with perfect calcium and hardness and he feeds DT's. Personally, I'll stick with 250mh over my 29gal, but, it's interesting to see first hand a clam thrive under non-halide light (atleast while it's small).
Mh on the 20

Mh on the 20

I was going to get a clam under the same lighting as you. But was talked out of by people here and a store. I got a used mh for real cheap, less the PC. I will let you know if the heat is a factor. I also have a 20g reef. Good Luck.


The one that is not doing so well is the closest to my light. About 6" from the actual bulb. I have it under the part which is mostly in the daylight spectrum. My other clam is down lower at around 10-12" from the bulb and is actually doing better. Go figure. Yes, the clams can be removed from the tank. Why? Wondering if my marine snow will work at all (maybe if I fed more often) or if I need DT's right away.
DTs right away! I would super feed them! Remove clams from tank in a bowl with tank water add DTS until water is a greenish (light) tint. Do not put bowl under any lights (heat) Let clams stay in bowl 30 to 60 minutes (water will be clear again). Put clams back into tank and make sure you burp the clams of any air bubbles. Lots of clam farms sell clams under 3 inches smallest size is about an inch.
Just for info. purposes. ORA breeds their own clams. They do not harvest from ocean. Clams can be purchsed from farms as small as 1". Generally 3" to 4" clams will and do, better because they can sustain themselves under good lighting and thrive with good lighting along with good food(DT'S).

I urge people to please try and buy clams that are 3" to 4". Smaller clams are fine if you are willing to go the extra mile, and feed heavy with DT's Phytoplankton.

Smaller clams do best if they are removable from tank to be fed several times a week. This presents a few problems. You must make sure that your clam does not attach it's byssus to a rock that cannot be removed from tank. So options are to keep clam in sand, or to place a p.v.c. ring for the clam to rest in and be stable. Unfortunately p.v.c. rings do not look great in our beautiful reefs.

Best of luck to all, and happy clamming! Rob!
i was in the same situation a few weeks ago.. i had my squamosa in my 20 gal under 2x55w pcs (were you using that JBJ fixture? i was..) and it was beginning to fade.. so, i recently bought a 175w MH retrokit (used, and less than half the price of what i paid for the pc fixture. geeze, things like that SUCK!!) and i've been acclimating the tank to it (2 hrs a day) and the clam has already perked up! it's actually getting a few spots of purple on it! the MH doesn't heat up my tank at all, which is a big surprise! just keep it well ventilated with a fan and you shouldn't have any problems.. if you want to buy a used system, i think phishinformayer has another 175w system for $100. he's who i bought mine from and it's great!