Is my clam dying?


New member
Yesterday when I got home I noticed that my T. Max's valve was looking weird. It looks like it was ripped open a little bigger. Today next to that hole was a second smaller hole. Besides all of that it seems to be acting fine. It responds to shadows and can close all the way. Is this clam going to die. Attached is a pic. The picture really stinks, but I labeled where the problems are.
That clam looks very happy.
If your clam was going to die it would not look like that.

90% of the time if a clam is in trouble it will not open or flesh will not extend over mantel.
Don't know if this will help,but from the pic. clam looks great.

The clam is ok even though the valve is almost double the size and there is an additional hole which was never there before. The picture doesn't really show the tears because my digital camera isn't that good.
Mine is doing the same today!

Mine is doing the same today!

My Clam let loose from the ledge it was on a few days ago. and fell right beside my long tentacle plate coral.
Now 2 days later, it has that same second hole yours does. No other tears, whats going on?? It is otherwise ok I think reacting quickly to stimulous and letting it's mantle out.

What is that second hole?
I had a Clam that has a little rip or tear between the incurrent and excurrent but it healed up in a few weeks.

Look good to me.

I just noticed that same tear on one of my croceas! Did yours eventually heal? I hope mine does too as it's my nicest clam in the tank!:(
I just looked at the clam again this morning and the little hole is back. I don't understand why it keeps coming back. It doesn't seem to affect the clam. It still looks healthy like in the original picture I posted. I would just keep an eye on yours for a little while.