Is my skimmer (tunze Comline3110) set up right?


I just set up my first skimmer on my tank and dont know if i did it right.
It is a Tunze Comline 3110 (internal) skimmer and it so noisy i dont think i'll ever hear my TV again!
It is at the right level in the water and the noise is being made by the bubbling and gurgling in the tube. Is this normal and will it quieten down eventually on its own? (Otherwise im going skimmerless again!)
Is there anything else that could be causing it?

Two possibilities. First try closing the venturi completely, then open it 2.5 turns after a few minutes and the noise problem should be solved. If this does not do it you have it positioned to deep. It should not be noisy at all.
No, it should be very quiet. A slight whistling noise would be the only noise to be expected. If it is gurgling water is getting into the air intake somewhere. Either you need to start it over with a closed venturi- as recommended in the manual pg 18. This purges the water out of the venturi system. Or the hose from the intake to the pump is disconnected or pinched somewhere pg 31 for illustration. It also may be necessary to raise the skimmer slightly. In somecases a particular pump has a slightly higher performance and the only solution is to raise the skimmer slightly. I seem to recall in Britain you have 240V vs German 230V. We have the same experience in America because our 60hz gives us slightly more power.
I'll have to take it apart tommorrow and see if the hose is ok inside. I've tried everything else so i reckon it must be that.
I'll tell you how i get on.
I have tried everything you mentioned and nothing has worked. Could the water in the air pipe be causing it as there are a few drops in there.
It is still very noisy when it is on. The top does not clip down properly on it. Could this be causing a problem?
How long should it take for foam to start coming up the tube?
Am i suppost to be able to hear the bubbling water so loudly? I cant hear any whistling at all.
You should hear no bubbling at all. I would have to say that the water in the line is the cause of the problem. The skimmer should begin to produce in a week and reach optimum efficiency in 2 weeks. Perhaps you have a local expert who can help but I swear the skimmer should be nearly silent.
could it just be that im opening the screw to much. When the screw is shut it is silent. When i open it about two turns the skimmer starts bubbling violently. When the manual says three turns does it mean three COMPLETE turns i.e 12 'o clock to 12 o' clock?
Should i be able to see bubbling in the tube because surly this is always going to be noisy.
You should be able to see bubbling and yes three full turns. With the cup in place their should be no noise. All tunze skimmers sound like an espresso machine from a distance- a faint whistling frothing noise but in trying to quantify it I would say it is less than 30db so not much more than a faint whisper. Have you tried raising the skimmer about 1cm?