Is this coral dead?


New member
Got this from a reefer, he says it will come back but I'm not sure. It's supposed to be a tentacled plate coral but there's a lot of slime.

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Depends. Yes, it looks like this one is a goner. The problem with plates and some other LPS corals is that they can suddenly "sprout" new growth after an extended period of time looking like a dead skeleton.

The question is, do you want to sit around with a dead coral skeleton in your tank for a year to see if an itty-bitty coral might grow out of it?

I had a plate coral die in my tank over a year ago. It's sprouted over 20 new plates since it's demise. Some are now over 8" in diameter and it's still producing new plates. Leave it in the tank but make sure it's right side up. If your water quality is good and the system is stable, there is a chance that it will sprout new plates. if it does, don't touch the new plates. They will pop off on their own as they grow.
leave it in the tank where it gets some light. I have 4 fungia corals that sprouted from what looked like a dead plate. The guy that gave them to me has been harvesting budding fungia for every bit of 8 years from one 'dead' fungia that was in his tank. He has so many that he just tossed 4 good sided fungia in a bag for free. He has a ton of them from one coral . It's not super common for ever dead plate to do this, but it's worth keeping the skeleton in the tank to hope for the best. It's common enough for many of us to at least know someone with a producing coral. Leave it for a long time. You never know.