Is this Sargassum?


Premium Member
This macroalgae has started growing from a piece of live rock. Is it sargassum?


I don't think that stuff is Sargassum. I'm leaning towards some kind of Dictyota but I'm not 100% sure.
What color would you say it is. It's hard to tell from the picture if it is on the green or brown side.
Thanks for the response. I just checked, and it looks closer to the green side.

I found this pic of Dictyota:
I have the same algae on my live rock. It started growing several weeks ago and I also asked around what it might be. At this point I can convinced it is some type of sargassum but I cannot positively identify it. One piece also had Neomeris annulata growing throughout (positive ID).

Since you are also in the No. Virginia area (I'm from Clifton), I was wondering if you got that live rock from Marine Scene sometime in July and it was from the same batch as mine?

Keep posting if you get any more leads on what your macroalgae is. I'm still curious.
va_new2salt: Thanks for the response. I think it is some type of sargassum, also. I bought my Kaelini LR from Dr. Mac in Maryland, in early July. (Marine Scene is too expensive for me. :))
I had some very similar macro growing from some of my fiji rock for a while. Looked very nice. I added an emerald crab to help with some valonia & a kole tang just because :D, and between the two of them, it's all gone. No stumps, nothing left. Halimedia however, I have taking over the same rock.