New member
I got a mantis that I got from Gulfview and I had asked if it was a clubber or a spearer and was told it was a spearer. Being new to mantis shrimp I was not familiar with their physical appearance. So I set up a glass ten gallon tank with live rock, crushed coral and pvc pipe. Since I thought it was a spearer I thought it should be ok. The mantis was shipped dry so I just put him in the tank and he disappeared. I have only been able to get glimpses of it and after about a month finally got a good enough look to realize that it has clubber appendages. It has been eating silversides so that was another reason I though it was a spearer for so long. Now I plan to get an acrylic tank for it and was wondering how stressed I'm going to make it by changing it's home. Is there some way I can identify the sex and what kind it might be if it's from Gulfview? It is quite pretty, green body with red spots and orange appendages. Thanks everyone!