IYO - Tunze Stream 1 or 2 pumps?


Premium Member
ok My heart is on the Tunze Stream with a Wavemaker. The single Pumps turns on and off in increments. The dual pumps alternate which pump is on. Thus getting the real back and forth flow.

BUT the cost is twice as much. Is it really worth the extra money to get dual pumps? Or is it kind of overdoing it?

Anyone have the dual Tunze streams? I'd like to take a look if it ok?

Thanks Bob R.
i have the

i have the

i have the ts24 kit with the controller.. and its awesome.. the mounting is another story but the pumps and controll's are AWESOME.. your welcome to see them anytime :)
I've seen SGS Tunze streams... very nice pumps! I'm looking at them myself. I wonder if we can get a group buy/discount?

I also have the ts24 on my 244. I really was worried that two pumps could be too much flow.

That worry flew away after getting the pumps in. They are completely awesome with so much control. I'm saving my pennies now so I can add at least one more if not two.
I also have the ts24 on my 244. I really was worried that two pumps could be too much flow.

That worry flew away after getting the pumps in. They are completely awesome with so much control. I'm saving my pennies now so I can add at least one more if not two.
ri said:
I've seen SGS Tunze streams... very nice pumps! I'm looking at them myself. I wonder if we can get a group buy/discount?


very doubtfull rick as germany sets the prices... i dunno maybee you could talk to rvtiko on it...
Not even considering that I've seen SGS's in action also.. the back-forth nature you describe I think is worth the money. I planned my tank using SeaSwirls, and went with three... couldn't imagine running the tank on only 1, wouldn't work. Having a larger tank also, I think neccessitate's two (sucks sometime's, don't it).

- Mac
I jsut warned my Wife about the upcoming purchase. She said "If that's what I want for christmas" Whooohoo, that's as close as I've ever gotten to permission :) I'll talk to Tom and look on the net to see about pricing. Cause of the price not sure how many people in our area would be willing to go in on a group buy. I've also heard these are sometimes hard to get your hands on.
got that right! Only place I found on the net from the sponsors page that sold these was Premium Aquatics and Marine Depot. There both sold out but I put my name on the waiting list. Wonder what the turn around time is for the internet vs. Rochester LFS.
Prolly about the same. You wouldn't think the supply from Europe would be a problem in these modern times.
Given the price of the systems, there probably aren't too many retailers keeping them _in stock_.

- Mac
i bought mine from

i bought mine from

i got mine at PA.. also being you only have a 120 i would NOT suggest the 6100 pumps... unless you like your sandbed where it is :)
too much flow???

too much flow???

Mind if I jump in here? I'm setting up a 75 gal. I appreciate the finer pieces of equipment. Tunze seems to qualify for finer. However, is the flow too much for my 75? Seems like these units are designed for larger tanks. Is that correct?

Thanx for the input,
The pumps are adjustable with the use of a controller.

I have a very fine sand bed and it doesn't disturb it at all.

I sure am not qualified to give model recommendations, but I got some great honest advice from Roger Vitko (Tunze) when I had questions. You might want to post in his forum and he can guide you in the right direction.
Hey guys,
Thanx for the quick response. I can always count on my fellow RC'ers to take care of my Q's.
If the acceptable flow rate for my 75 requires me to severly step down the Tunze, wouldn't you recommend just going with a couple of MJ 900 or 1200's? Seems like the Tunze are a wonderful PH but a bit overkill for my little reef. I don't think my little critters would be very appreciative of a continuous sandstorm.

I don't use sand I use a very thin (1/2 Inch) layer of crushed coral. The DSB is in the Refr. Besides I LIKE POWER!!!!


other than loseing 2 props to snails (not the prop but the shaft its screwed to) mine have run flawless non stop no troubles.. love em