Jackson Club ... frag swap?


Old School Reefer
Michelle, got your note that you and Vicki went to the Jackson Club meeting. Let me know the next time you go and I'll go with you. Glad they still have meetings. Have they talked about anything like putting on a frag swap? I heard from a few Memphis reefers that MARS is going nowhere in terms of activities, but there's no reason we can't start thinking about it ourselves. We just need a half dozen people willing to get off Facebook and actually do some planning and work, and some sponsors willing to be supportive. We're long overdue for a frag swap in Memphis... perhaps we can shoot for the fall season.
They didn't say when the next meeting is going to be. Will get an email soon I guess. Not sure how much momentum this club is going to get. We were supposed to rent a couple of vans and go to the frag swap in Nashville last month but there was not enough interest