Jawfish & Clams?


New member
I love both and was wondering if adding a jawfish or 2 to my 90-gallon with 3 clams on the sand would be a big no no? I know they dig holes in the sand but would it bother the clams? Would they dump sand into the mantels?

The clams are a 2" squamosa, 3" Deresa and a 5" Gigas.
If your clams are near the rocks in your tank you may have a problem, but in general, I don't see anything wrong with putting a jawfish or 2 in. A couple things to consider:

Jawfish are territorial. At least the 2 I had were. I had 2 pearly jawfish, but apparently one thought he was the highlander and the rest is history.

My jawfish always excavated holes under or right next to my live rock. Hence, if your clams are close to the rocks, you might have an engineering dispute between clams and jawfish over where the sand goes.

Try it. Mr. General Contractor Jawfish might or might not have a good attitude about his construction practices in your tank. :bum:
Well, I added 2 yellow headed jawfish 3 days ago. They are doing fine, they dug out new homes on oppsite sides of the tank.
There new homes are dug out under corners of the rock and the clams are either high up on the rock or on the sand bed so there is no problem what-so-ever.

Very comical little guys to watch too. :)
3 Yellowheads in a 70 with 4 clams. One Jawfish is the odd man out and will try to dig under the 6" Squamosa, but other then that they are fine and have been for about 9 months.

Good luck with yours.