July Tank of the Month


Active member
Keith (aka Reefbum) -

Congratulations on a beautiful tank. I also like Reef and Fin but don't get down there too often because I always spend money and I don't have the room in my tank.

I am in the process of planning an upgrade to my 65 gallon reef to perhaps a 120 or a 180 with Starphire glass at least in the front panel.

would you mind telling where you had your tank custom built? Any other suggestions?

I am not too familiar with the Euro Brace top. can you describe that to me? I assume it means there isn't a center brace - I have the center brace on my 65 and I hate it.


Many thanks for the compliment!

I ordered my tank from West Coast Aquarium (http://westcoastaquarium.com)....very happy it to say the least. Ask for Louie if you give them a call. He is the one who would put together the estimate. Keep in mind that they are located in California so shipping might be in the $250-$350 range for the tank size you are considering. I believe I paid around $1000 for my tank plus $250 for shipping around 4 years ago. You could also have Chris at Reef & Fin give you an estimate for a custom Starphire tank with the guy who builds his tanks. I believe he is located in NJ.

As for the Eurobrace, there is a 4" border of glass that wraps around the whole tank. No center brace which is very cool. Here is the best picture I have:


One important thing to note is that if you do go with a Eurobrace top make sure you get at least 2 maybe 3 holes drilled. I only have 1 hole for my return and I should have had a couple of more drilled for some SeaSwirls or a closed loop circulation system....you live and learn I guess.

Please let me know if you have any more questions.

Visit my website.....http://www.reefbum.com