Just addeda longnose hawk and fairy wrasse...


New member
Just some advice if possible...

I added a longnose hawk( about 2 1/2 in.) and an orange-back fairy wrasse(about 3 in.) to my 150. Its current inhabitants are:

1 (5 in.) hippo tang
1 (4 in.) purple tang
1 Starry blenny
1 (3in.) soleransis wrasse
1 diamond goby

The hippo is a terror in my tank. Chases anyone and everyone, especially new additions, regardless of species. He ahs chased both the new fairy wrasse and the hawk somewhat.
The new wrasse is chasing the soleransis, whose been in the tank about 1yr.
I have never owned more than 1 species of wrasse in one tank and have not added fish to my reef in about 6 months. I did move some rocks around to help with territories.
Does this sound like normal behavior from these fish??
I think Manny (Gasman) keeps lots of wrasses in his 210 without problems, tho I vaguely remember him having a few fight a while ago, but you might want to ask him about it.
Upwards of ten last time I counted.
lineatus/tonga flame/hoody/leopard/divided/solar/yellow coris/radiant/mysteri.

that's it I think LOL
Its possible but I do have tons and I mean tons of rockswork.
Pretty much par for the course when u first add them the fights and so forth.
Solorensis are usually very very intolerant of similar looking wrasses, an orange back will be a fish that will have a hard time from the solorensis.
i've got 5 wrasses in my 75. radiant, 2 flasher, yellow coris, and a 6 line. only ones that "fight" are the flashers, but they only flash eachother once in a while. other than that the fish are super happy! I want to buy more wrasses, but am affraid that they'll fight.
This soleransis is a good citizen. Never had issues with anyother fish. Was actually picked on by a tri-color wrasse, which has been removed. Hopefully, everything works out well.
Try the mirror trick, it absolutely worked for me. Hang a small mirror (I went to the dollar store and found one that I scotch taped on to the glass). The fish will be so busy checking out/attacking the "intruder" in the mirror they'll leave each other alone. I just left it up, it's hilarious.
Thanks for all the info. So far so good for both. The wrasse has a few white spots, but Im treating that and he still eats likea pig. Will keep posted.
Thanks for all the info. So far so good for both. The wrasse has a few white spots, but Im treating that and he still eats like a pig. Will keep posted.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11082397#post11082397 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mrp2g
Thanks for all the info. So far so good for both. The wrasse has a few white spots, but Im treating that and he still eats like a pig. Will keep posted.

Try feeding live food to get his strength up. My wrasses love to chase down and gobble guppies and ghost shrimp, even the little 1 1/2 inch Formosa.
Both fish are doing really well. They both eat mysis w/garlic & vta-chem. The wrasse has even eaten cyclopeeze. No agression issues. Bad news is, my diamond goby died. These fish always last me about a year and then just die. He ate pellets, mysis and siffted a ton, but it just happens. Thanks for all the advice guys...