just got my t.derasa home


New member
I just purchased a T.Derasa (about 4.5 inches long, mixed colors on the mantle - purple rim with goldish and light blue stripes) and have him placed high in my 150 gallon (under 4 - 175w mh's - an upgrade to 3-400's is underway as i write this). He opened immediately after introduction and is not exhibiting any signs of gaping and appears to be free of any pests (rice snails etc...). He was being kept under 175's previously so i'm wondering about acclimating him to the 400's. Any idea how long it will take and approximate best position in the aquarium? Also...is feeding necessary at his size or is his mantle likely to be of sufficient size to handle his requirements?

any advice or comments appreciated


T. derasa are normally found attached to coral rubble on the substrate in clear water lagoons. Because you have only 175W halides, I agree with your current placement. However, once you do that upgrade to 400W, please consider moving him down to the substrate to match his natural habitat. Because T. derasa come from clear waters, they can be susceptable to damage by increased turbidity. It may be wise to remove him from the tank if you ever do any major cleaning (e.g. blowing off detritus from rockwork or adding sand) that results in clouding of the water.

For more info please read: http://www.animalnetwork.com/fish2/aqfm/1997/nov/shell/default.asp .

You will find T. derasa to be very hardy however. They are nice clams.

- JT
I would agree that he should be fine where he is and should be lowered to the substrate with 400's...
