Just set up 10 gal tank. What next??


New member
Greetings everyone.

I finally set up my 10 gallon salt tank. its been running for 3 days now. ive added sand, live rocks (5 pounds), and ac 70 filter which will be turn into a refugium.

it is power by coralife 25watt lights. ( i could be wrong about the watts)

can someone plz guide me towards the next step??

thanks in advance
more light... you'll be hard pressed to keep any but the toughest corals with that lighting! :)

if you're just going for fish, though, that will be ok.
I had a 36 watt power compact fixture over my 10g tank that enabled me to keep a good variety of stuff. Don't remember what brand, but if you search you should be able to find one in the right measurement for your tank. I think I got it on e-bay a few years back, it sits right in the lip of the 10g.
