Keep an eye out..


New member
I'm thinking about getting a bigger tank.. would love to do a 100+ gal but dont really want to get all new equipment.. so I'd like to find a 75gal tank (glass). If anyone sees one let me know. :)
Any thing bigger than what you have will need a stronger pump than the one you have. At least the rest of the stuff you have wil work... except the stand and you will probably have to suppliment lighting as well since your lights are 36"
yea.. I know I'll have to build a new stand and get bigger lights. Pump should be ok.. my return pump is a Mag 12.. and I just ordered another one as a back up, or I might just replace the Sedea 900 that is feeding the skimmer and use that as a back up..

If/when I do find another tank I'm going to take my time with it and build it up right.. might even do some fake rock and all that good stuff.
why would I need a bigger CL pump? it just flows water.. plus I have a Tunze nano that pushes a LOT of water.. and if I need to I'll just pick up another nano and a multicontroller for them.
Departed...did you check the fresh water fish store on route 23. The last time I was there they had a deep 120cm tank. I guess with the depth of the tank it will be about 65 -70 gallons. They are very expensive. Unless you are looking for something in the Japan Update and reaonable. I will keep an eye out though, once the opportunity arises.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11988011#post11988011 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by TheDeparted
why would I need a bigger CL pump? it just flows water.. plus I have a Tunze nano that pushes a LOT of water.. and if I need to I'll just pick up another nano and a multicontroller for them.

That is exactly the point. It flows water. You have a 36" tank now. If you go bigger, you will need something a little larger to help flow water to the center of the tank unless you do more openings which in that case you will still need a larger pump to provide adequate flow to all nozzles. The tunze nano will help the process. I run a 1100 GPH for my 75 and feel it it is not enough. I would feel a lot better with 1400 or 1500 GPH going in to it in addition to 1500 GPH that is already going into it. A few hundred GPH makes a HUGE difference.
frostbcc.. no really havnt been able to get out and look to much. like I said, im not really in a hurry.. my 55gal is doing great, probably have the biggest BTA on island right now.. :D thing has grown up so much since I got it..

So this is more of a, if anyone comes accross a real good, cant pass up, deal on a 75ish gal tank, then I'll get it.