Peter Schmiedel
New member
I would like to start this thread to share knowledge in order to improve natural fish keeping. I have several tanks and my main tank is about 320 g.
The following fish I keep in pairs and could get them to mate:
Liopoproma rubre - Swiss guard bass
Liopoproma swalesi - ?
Synchiropus splendidus - mandarin
Synchiropus stellatus - red scooter blenny
Oxycirrhites typus - long nose hawk fish
Zebrasoma flavescens - yellow tang
Centropyge argi - coral beauty
These ones I have two or more of, but cant ensure that they are male / female because I have not seen mating or eggs yet.
Esenuis bicolor - bicolor blenny
Acreichthys tomentosus
Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis
Gramma loreto - royal gramma
Centroypge loriculus - flame angel
Gobisoma randalli
In group I keep:
Pseudocheilinus hexataenia (1,2) - six line wrasse (mating regular)
Pseudanthias parvirostris (2,6) - mating regular
This ones I tried to buddy up and failed:
Chelmon rostratus - I had the rescue the smaller one otherwise it would have been killed within hours
Salarias fasciatus - The first two fish I place. Although I still believe that In have tow different sex the male (?) cased the female(?) that much that I took her out after three days.
Pomacanthus navarchus - Two juvenile fish have been placed together. The bigger one cased the smaller one so that he was only allowed to come out for food. Had to get one out after the situation did not improve within 5 months.
Siganus vulpinus - Here to I started with two small fish. They lived together for about one year and from one day to another they started fighting like hell. Had no chance to get one out and one got killed within 24 hours!
Pseudojuloides severnsi - The female of this very nice wrasse converted to a male and the following fighting ended after a few weeks with one fish outside of the tank.
What ids the current status in the US regarding keeping coral fish in pairs / groups?
What are your personal experiences?
Would you like to keep your fish in a more natural way and enable them to have social interaction?
Sorry for the long posting, some spelling errors (but I guess in German it would be less fun for you
) and the use of the scientific names but most of the US common names I donââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t know.
I would like to start this thread to share knowledge in order to improve natural fish keeping. I have several tanks and my main tank is about 320 g.
The following fish I keep in pairs and could get them to mate:
Liopoproma rubre - Swiss guard bass
Liopoproma swalesi - ?
Synchiropus splendidus - mandarin
Synchiropus stellatus - red scooter blenny
Oxycirrhites typus - long nose hawk fish
Zebrasoma flavescens - yellow tang
Centropyge argi - coral beauty
These ones I have two or more of, but cant ensure that they are male / female because I have not seen mating or eggs yet.
Esenuis bicolor - bicolor blenny
Acreichthys tomentosus
Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis
Gramma loreto - royal gramma
Centroypge loriculus - flame angel
Gobisoma randalli
In group I keep:
Pseudocheilinus hexataenia (1,2) - six line wrasse (mating regular)
Pseudanthias parvirostris (2,6) - mating regular
This ones I tried to buddy up and failed:
Chelmon rostratus - I had the rescue the smaller one otherwise it would have been killed within hours
Salarias fasciatus - The first two fish I place. Although I still believe that In have tow different sex the male (?) cased the female(?) that much that I took her out after three days.
Pomacanthus navarchus - Two juvenile fish have been placed together. The bigger one cased the smaller one so that he was only allowed to come out for food. Had to get one out after the situation did not improve within 5 months.
Siganus vulpinus - Here to I started with two small fish. They lived together for about one year and from one day to another they started fighting like hell. Had no chance to get one out and one got killed within 24 hours!
Pseudojuloides severnsi - The female of this very nice wrasse converted to a male and the following fighting ended after a few weeks with one fish outside of the tank.
What ids the current status in the US regarding keeping coral fish in pairs / groups?
What are your personal experiences?
Would you like to keep your fish in a more natural way and enable them to have social interaction?
Sorry for the long posting, some spelling errors (but I guess in German it would be less fun for you