Killer Niger Trigger!


New member
Hey guys just wanted to share my misfortune with you all.
I recently bought a niger trigger for my 90gal corner tank
the tank had a
convict blenny
two perc clowns
1 flasher wrase
1 purple fire fish
pearly jawfish
Well i traded in a yellow tang who was bullying my fish for this trigger. I have had nigers before and they where so peacful and nice i thought it wouldn't be a problem. But I was SOO wrong about that guy.... He ate yes i mean ate my flasher wrase and then he bit off my jawfishes cadual fin down to the bone and after makeing him lame he ate out his stomach!!!
well needless to say after that is was back to the pet store for that killer niger trigger.
Sigh and he had some of nicest colours for a niger oh well win some lose some too bad my peace loving jawfish and flasher wrase had to pay the price.
I think i will get a falme hawk to replace him.
I hear some people say their peaceful..Maybe they are not as aggresive as some but I think their pretty darn mean:eek: Had one bite my finger before;)
Sorry for your lose, try a Bluethroat
He didnt kill them did he?
Just sampled them a little... nothing wrong with that... who needs fins?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6946766#post6946766 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by BTTRFLYGRL
I hear some people say their peaceful..Maybe they are not as aggresive as some but I think their pretty darn mean:eek: Had one bite my finger before;)
Sorry for your lose, try a Bluethroat

They're by far the least predictable triggerfish. I've seen them cover the entire range of the spectrum. I've seen one that was being harassed by a firefish, and I've seen another that killed a larger clown trigger.

Sorry about your loss, when it comes to the Niger or Pinktail I always say they can be hit or miss. I have read the good and bad of both, I have had a pinktail for years and it is great but again it depends on the fish.

Like Dave said "They're by far the least predictable triggerfish."

My Niger use to attack my 8"+ Undulated to the point where I had to move the Undulated to another tank, and this was in a 300gal tank.

It's always funny when I'm at a LFS or hear some one say that Niger aren't aggressive because they always seem to be chasing after another fish and are consistently attacking and attacking and causing trouble. As they get larger they usually do it even more.
I agree with marrone I had one chase my picasso out of my tank. and I liked the picasso alot more than the niger, so I gave it to a friend who has bigger fish and a bigger tank than mine.
THeres a LFS in my town who has an 8" killer niger. So far it has taken out a jeweled moray,blueline trigger, clown trigger, a picasso, lg dragon wrasse, panther grouper and dogface puffer. If you put your finger on the glass he tries like crazy to get it. Never seen a niger like it, I have one that is very mellow. I also have a 8" clown trigger that is pretty mellow too, and has never really hurt any fish, actually gets bossed around by angels.
I have a big Niger trigger and he is vicious to certain fish but others he totally ignores. He was in a 1000 gallon tank in a local mall and they got rid of him because he was killing some of the fish, but he ignores even some of the small damsels that I have in the tank with him.
The niger at work today took a chunk out of my finger. Was such a sweetheart before I started feeding him live fish too...
I have an 8" niger and it was meaner in one tank, but now in my new tank, only charges my blue line (5") and my arm. I use to have to put it in a "time out" tank....
the wonderfull nature of triggers..... you just never know what personality you are going to get

so far the only 2 triggers that I haven't heard of going on killing sprees are the blue throat & hawian/black durgeon triggers.