Knocked mushrooms off rock, what now?


New member
When I was reaquascaping my reef tank I knocked a couple red mushrooms off their rock. How do I go about reattaching them?
I didn't know that was even possible ... I've been trying to get some off of my rock as they have taken over the tank.

Any ideas how to remove unwatned mushrooms?
I be you I could come over there and rip some off for you, I could "dispose" of them also LOL.

If you sisnt get the Idea... I want your shrooms.

If you do get them off, PM me and I ill buy them from you.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6971325#post6971325 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bthomas
what should I use for a net? cheese cloth?

Get some wedding vail, as open weave as possible.
If wedding veil isnt around your house,I used my old fish net and cut it. Just cut out a big round section out of the net or veil and place over the rock loosly with rubberbands on each end in low flow areas.