I've got a Korallin 1502 - the setup (according to the directions) is the same. Follow the directions and go slow.... start at an effluent rate of 40 drops per minute and CO2 rate of 10 bubbles per minute. Titrate up from there. It took about a month to get mine dialed in correctly (see editorial below) to where I no longer had to add calcium and buffer. Once it got dialed in it's great.
I used the pressurized method - I did not use a micro pump, but got a reducing-t adaptor (Aqua Medic) 21mm (3/4") x airline tubing to pressurize the input line. (I ordered it online from Marine Depot.)
Editorial: I got impatient and tried dialing it up too fast, and had two - count 'em TWO - calcium storms along the way.... no deaths, but an ugly scene. To avoid calcium storms, make a small adjustment and wait 24 hours. Also, there is no way to dial it in IMHO without using a pH meter in the main tank.