Latz For Sale

Hey recordia

Hey recordia

Its reefbronco from rareclowns Ha Im trying to get someone to buy two and breed them SHHHHHH
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6927453#post6927453 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by JHardman
And hopefully everyone that reads that will also know it is total BS and educate themsevels before killing this hard to get/keep species.

ricordiaking mentioned he tried but they were out of stock. Thought I'd post a link to help him or anyone else that wanted to get his/her hands on one.

My thinking is if you are willing to spend 150 on a fish you more often than not know what you're trying to get into.

I got a laugh out of extremely hardy =/
I got two. Both came with a pretty advanced case of "tail rot" which is why I haven't posted pics. This is despite being shipped in 2 huge bags from F&S. These fish probably shouldn't have been shipped. I am sure their condition is a result of a long trip from Australia and then 18 hrs again right away in a bag to me. At least there is the guarantee....I would rather have two healthy fish though. The guarantee also doesn't pay for the time and effort I have to put in to saving them, nor my disappointment when they die anyway.

The smaller of the two seems stable - I haven't noticed any more deterioration of the tail and no signs of secondary infection. The larger, had a worse case with some edema/hemorrhage/petichiae (Sp?) in the tail. This seems better today - or at least not any worse. The end of the tail looks like a broomstick with some thick mucous covering part of it.

I treated both fish right away while acclimating with levofloxacin and triple sulfa (good antiprotozoal and antibiotic which I think is way under used). I enhanced the little food they ate yesterday with Seachem Focus (supposedly binds antiobiotics to the food), levofloxacin, tetracycline and metronidazole. Neither ate much today (always a bad sign for clownfish) and are breathing a little faster. Fortunately, no Brook so far (knock, knock) but with the poor appetite and increased respiratory rate I think its only a matter of time. I have contemplated moving them in to my quarantine tank and getting more aggressive with antibiotics but I am worried about stressing them more. Right now they are in my sump which is 225 gal, set up as a prop tank, in a low traffic area, and olny has a Colin's angel and 3 pictilis anthias in it. I also lowered my tank temp to 75-76 F in preparation for these animals.

Any suggestions? Anyone ever see a clown with advanced tail rot pull through? It is so disappointing to receive fish like this. Someone was in way too big a hurry to sell them and did not care about their health.
Here are some pics. Sorry about the quality:
First shows the larger and the tail. Second gives you the larger clowns tail and a glimpse of the smaller clowns tail. Please understands I only received these clowns yesterday. So the tails either rotted enroute or had already started to get like this prior to being shipped.


I can't believe they shipped them to you John. Granted, you get your money back (do you get shipping as well?), but what a shame. LA really dropped the ball with this fish, whether it was with their disorganization in shipping them out correctly (long story :rolleyes: ), or shipping out poor quality, this is one fish I hope they leave alone in the future.
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Thought I was getting the Old Town ones as well, but I see you did. I wish you luck with them. I might be able to salvage one of these. I just caught them to move them to my quarantine tank. The female thrashed a little and what I thought looked like a partially decomposed tail turned in to a bloody stump. The smaller male(?) lloks like he may pull through.

Do you think it is a bacterial issue or does it look like something has been eating at the tail. There seems to be some flukes going around lately and the tails of the fish are sometimes pretty torn up and they may have bloody leasions. Copper does NOT affect the flukes. A 2 min FW dip seems to make them drop off. Fluke tabs is also affective killing them.

I wish it were flukes - I think it is tail/fin rot with a secondary infection. Seems like the 2 I got are large than the rest that came in. The large is easily 4+ in. I think they sat in their bags too long during the original shipping, got the tail rot, then got turned around quickly to me which led to a secondary infection. I just I could get the large one to eat. Since I moved her to quarantine, her respiratory rate has gone down. I am keeping the QT tank water at 73 which might help. I kept the "male" in my regular tank. He is at least eating. I will be interested to see if the female live, what part of her tail will regenerate or will she just be stumpy for the rest of her life. Of course, got to keep her alive first.
