Leather Buttons Available Free / RBTA wanted


New member
I have a large Leather that kind of pinches of pieces off itself. Currently I have four peices that are just loose on the sand bed (silver dollar sized). I would like to get a small RBTA but it would have to be small. I am willing to give these leathers away free to the first four respondents. BUT I would also like to get a RBTA. SO... if someone with a small RBTA reponds after I get four requests, the fourth respondent is going to get knocked off the list/lose out (Sorry).

The Mother is Pictured below
So thats four respondents but no RBTA offers:( I have PM'd my phone number to all of you except "Shark Keeper" who apparently has his PM feature turned off.

Let me know when you would like to pick them up. I'll be around this weeked. We can work something out.